নাশীদ: মুক্তাদানা ( خير الدرر )
আর্টিস্ট: মুহাম্মদ আল মুকীত
অনুবাদ: রাশেদ আব্দুল্লাহ @Rashed4Abdullah
পাবলিশ: #htr
Heart Touching Nasheed by #muhammadalmuqit published by HTR
নাশীদ লিরিক ইংলিশ সাবটাইটেলসহ:
(ট্রান্সলেশন: আদম ইউসুফ)
في القلبِ مشاعرُ أخفيها
In the heart are feelings which I hide..
قد أشرقت الشمسُ عليها
The sun has shined over them (feelings)
عن خططٍ لم أعبأُ فيها
Over paths which I never thought of
ستكون بأيّاميَ فرقا
These (paths) which will take my coming days in different directions
فحياتي قبل الحلقاتِ
So my life before the ( Quran ) Circles
تيهٌ بضياعٍ بشتاتِ
Was completely deserted, in waste and dysfunctional
من دونِ نعيمِ الآياتِ
Without the blessings of these (Quranic) verses
نرتادُ لنحفظها الحلقَ
The (Circles of Quran) which we keep coming to in order to preserve (the verses)
فمضيتُ إلى حفظِ السورِ
So I went forth to memorize the Surahs (chapters)
كي أقطف من خيرِ الدررِ
In order that I may pick the best of pearls (blessings of the Quran)
فالآي ضياءٌ في صدري
So these verses are light in my chest
يزدادُ على الظلمةِ ألقا
Which increase in their beauty over darkness
غصتُ بها في بحرٍ حاني
I dived with them (verses) in an ocean full of affection (from Allah)
ما بين أسامٍ ومعاني
(this Ocean) carries within it the beautiful names of Allah and Meanings ( of His Verses)
أزدادُ بربّي الرحمنِ
I increase (through it) with my Lord the Benevolent
ثقةً عملًا حبّا شوقا
In Trust, Action, love and yearning
وبهِ في السيرةِ ما يشهد
And in it (the Quran) are testimonies which give evidence
من نهجِ المختارِ محمّد
To the methodology of the chosen one Muhammad PBUH
كم دلّ على الخيرِ وأرشد
How much did he guide us to good and enlighten us
كي ندركَ بالهديِ الحقّ
So that we may find through the guidance the Truth
بعد الذكرِ تبارك وقتي
After Remembering (Allah ) my time was blessed
وازدادت قوّة ذاكرتي
And my ability to memorise increased
والتوفيقُ أضاء حياتي
The noble ability lightened up my life
في هديٍ وأنارَ الطرقَ
In guidance and lit up the path
وسمت في الخيرةِ أيّامي
My days increased in goodness ( due to the circles of Quran)
وتجمّل قولي وكلامي
My speech and my statements became more beautiful
من عذبِ معينِ الإسلامِ
Emerging out from the sweet fountain of Islam
أحسنتُ النيّةَ والخُلقَ
I made good my Intention and Character
فالحمدُ إلى اللهِ تعالى
So all praise be to Allah the Exalted
من جادَ بخيرٍ يتوالى
Who generously gave good time and time again
للحافظِ يُسرًا ومنالا
For the Hafidh (who memorised the Quran) ease and favours
ودروسًا في القلبِ ستبقى
And lessons which will stay forever in the heart
আমাদের সকল সোশ্যাল প্লাটফর্ম:
ইউটিউব: https://youtube.com/c/HTR_sub
ফেইসবুক: https://www.facebook.com/hearttoching22/
টেলিগ্রাম: https://t.me/htrBD
ইন্সটাগ্রাম: https://instagram.com/htr_heart_touching_recitation?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=